Thursday, November 22, 2012

Small turn out for Thanksgiving

This may be the smallest turn out we have had at granny's for Thanksgiving. A sure sign the economy has turned sour. No one can afford the gas to get here. There was no short supply of food.

Blaine & Dawn wore attire they purchased while in India. Blaine provided a slide show and travel log of their trip to India. It was a fantastic tour.

 Will settled on Teddy Grams for his Thanksgiving feast.

 Carving the Turkey became a serious matter.

 These people just showed up, Val must have invited them.


desert dispatches said...

i like small Thanksgivings, just nice and quiet, not a huge mess....

Unknown said...

Man, do I ever look thrilled! I promise we had a good time! And a lot of super good food!
